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7 Archangel Chakra Meditations package to receive a 30% discount
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Buy this insightful 7 Chakra Series Meditations with the Archangels and receive a 30% discount. This special discounted price is only available for a limited time at Signs of Abundance Hypnosis and Healing. Listening to the meditations, will connect you with your Archangels and open your chakras, the perfect way to balance your chakra energy centres. Doing meditation to balance your chakras is important right now a we move through the photon belt, releasing the old baggage, ties, and emotions and into New Earth.
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This album includes one of each for balancing of the seven main chakra energy centres: Root Chakra with Archangel Uriel, Sacral Chakra with Archangel Chamuel, Solar Plexus Chakra with Archangel Jophiel, Heart Chakra with Archangel Raphael, Throat Chakra with Archangel Michael, Third Eye Chakra with Archangel Zadkiel and Crown Chakra with Archangel Gabriel.
Root Chakra Meditation with Archangel Uriel is a powerful journey in guided meditation on your winged spirit animal to Archangel Uriel. This root chakra meditation is written and produced by Australian female and meditation, mindfulness and intuition teacher, Tara J Clarke. This root chakra meditation is 25 minutes and 55 seconds long: (25:55) and a great way to get present into the here and now and ground yourself daily.
This root chakra meditation is a guided meditation that focuses on opening the base chakra at the root of your spine, your kundalini. If you have back aches and pains in the lower back and hips down to the thigh area, you have an issue with your base chakra also known as root chakra or kundalini, this root chakra meditation will get you on your path to connecting with Archangel Uriel and activating your root chakra for feeling a safer, more protected and grounded connection to Earth.
This root chakra meditation journey will carry you off on your winged spirit animal into your place of wonder your own paradise where there are no fears, where you will meet your powerful Archangel Uriel and he will take your worry away on this journey. This powerful root chakra meditation (the base chakra energy centre guided meditation) is to help you unwind and let go of fears around feeling unsafe, insecure, those fears that hold you back from feeling safe, protected and security within yourself and keep you ungrounded with a sense of not belonging, a sense of not trusting and believing in yourself and others, feeling disconnected. You will be reminded in this meditation that you are a spiritual warrior connected to your beautiful Archangel energies that love you unconditionally where there is no judgement and this is put together carefully to assist you on your path to letting go of old relationships that are not serving you, letting go of feelings of ungroundedness, letting go of limiting beliefs around worry anger and suffering as well as blame victimization and other low vibrations you may be holding onto towards others. Allow your winged spirit animal to carry you away to where you are in a place of joy, calm, peace, security, safety and protection and can be your true authentic self. This meditation is aimed at assisting you to let go of your shadow self that holds you back, let go of old behaviours and fears and patterns that hold you back and make you feel like you do not belong and disconnected to society. The more you listen to this recording the more safe, secure and protected you should feel within your root chakra energy centre, your kundalini, your muladhara, your base chakra energy centre.
Sacral Chakra Guided Meditation with Archangel Chamuel is creative meditation for your Sacral Chakra Energy Centre focusing on going on a beautiful journey on your spirit animal into your special wonder place where you meet your charismatic and creative Archangel Chamuel that has superpowers in creativity and manifestation. Once you meet Archangel Chamuel in this sacral chakra guided meditation, you will receive a powerful gift of worthiness, acceptance and an innate feeling of feeling worthy to receive, a newfound energy of creation, manifestation by feeling more motivated to manifest abundance into your life and wanting to set new positive intentions around creativity and manifestation. This sacral chakra guided meditation is designed to assist you in letting go of old wounds and limiting beliefs that were making you unmotivated and closing the door on your sacral chakra.
This sacral chakra guided meditation with Archangel Chamuel is a meditation download tool to get you wanting to move forward towards your goals, hopes, wishes and passions and wanting to let go of old limiting patterns around lack, neglect, limiting finances, feeling fruitless, powerless and not interested in creating in the physical. Start being more creative, passionate, worthy of yourself and start manifesting with this powerful meditation with your Archangel Chamiel. This sacral chakra guided meditation with Archangel Chamuel is designed to assist in the balancing of your sacral chakra energy centre. Perfect addition to your chakra balancing regime.
Solar Plexus Meditation for the solar plexus chakra energy centre where you will be greeted by your spirit animal and taken on a powerful guided journey to connect with your Archangel Jophiel. Once connected to your Archangel Jophiel, he will assist you in opening your solar plexus, stepping into your power and confidence letting go of old limiting fears and patterns. This meditation is designed for trusting and believing in your power and confidence and true authentic self.
Tara J Clarke will take you on a gently and authentic journey that is 28 minutes long in duration and recommended for stepping into your power, letting go of limiting beliefs of the past that hold you back from confidence , strength and courage. Its time to do daily meditation and this powerful guided meditation will get you motivated onto your path to trusting and believing in your higher power, trusting and believing in your connection to your spiritual warrior self and assist in moving you forward onto your path to setting your goals hopes dreams wishes and planning for a more positive path forward . We should all be meditating for 30 minutes or more of meditation time per day and doing this solar plexus meditation combined with other daily chakra meditations is a powerful tool to letting go of lower vibrational frequencies such as being controlled by others and fears that unmotivated us and this is a powerful tool to letting go so that you can raise your frequency and align to love, gratitude and peace with daily meditation.
Do this powerful solar plexus meditation, a guided meditation that is 28 minutes long and designed to connect you to highest frequency of Archangel Jophiel in the Solar Plexus Chakra whilst travelling there freely on your spirit animal.
Daily meditation is key to the ascension process and if you are looking for opening the door to power and confidence, then working with Archangel Jophiel is a powerful way to access the door to a more powerful and inner authority centred life rather than focusing on authority outside of yourself which has not benefited you in the past.
The more you meditate with this solar plexus meditation with Archangel Jophiel and be your true authentic self, the more you will start to step into your power. Trust in your inner power.
Heart Chakra Guided Meditation with Archangel Raphael to align you to the healing powers of self love and inner guidance with Archangel Raphael to bring you strength in love, light. Heart Chakra Guided Meditation with Archangel Raphael is designed by Tara J Clarke to help you heal your heart from depression, sadness, loneliness, grief, loss, disconnect, loss and loneliness, so that you can start to feel more connected to your angels and less needy, less manipulative, less demanding and so that you can get onto your path to aligning to the higher vibrations of love, light, self, love and receiving love including self love, adoration of nature and self respect so that you can feel more authentic happy in grace and empowered as you go about your day.
This powerful heart chakra guided meditation will take you on a guided meditative journey on your spirit animal into the higher realms to meet your Archangel Raphael and assist you on your path to love, peace, calm, gratitude joy, forgiveness and happiness and the more you do this meditation, the more you will feel connected to your Archangel Raphael and the Legions of Light.
This is a powerful Throat Chakra Guided Meditation with Archangel Michael to open your throat chakra energy center. In this powerful guided journey, you will travel on your winged spirit animal and meet and make a connection with your Archangel Michael and open your Throat Chakra, in order to start feeling more connected to your spirit, your Archangel Michael, your higher self, your guides. This throat chakra guided meditation with Archangel Michael is just over 22 minutes long in duration and recommended for a stronger connection to spirit world, letting go of feelings of not being safe to speak your true authentic self or to speak your truth around others, letting go of fears around victimization or worry and anxiety if you speak your truth, feel the power of Archangel Michael that is always a spark of your soul and connected to you and he loves your unconditionally. 22 minutes long
Listen to this throat chakra guided meditation with Archangel Michael regularly to help let go of negative thoughts that do not serve your highest good and to create a clear channel so that you feel that you have more choices in life and can remember to ask your guides, archangels, Archangel Michael, teacher, masters and higher self for options. Do this regularly to feel connected to the power of your spirit and to feel more confident to speak your truth and open up your Throat Chakra.
A powerful Third Eye Chakra Guided Meditation to meet and make a connection with your Archangel Zadkiel and open your Third Eye Chakra, in order to start feeling more connected to your spirit, trusting and believing in your vision, clarity and your Archangel Zadkiel, your higher self, your guides. This third eye chakra guided meditation is just over 22 minutes long in duration and recommended for a stronger connection to spirit world, letting go of old patterns and wounds of the past such as old behaviors that do not serve your highest good, negative blocks around the shadow self, denial of trust and belief in yourself. Do this third eye chakra meditation regularly to help let go of negative thoughts that do not serve your highest good and to create a clear channel so that you feel that you feel like you can trust and believe your own insight, clairvoyance and claircognisance. This third eye chakra meditation opens you up to grace and love as well as being open to receive more more intuitive messages from your Angels, teachers, Ascended masters and higher self and guides. Do this powerful third eye chakra meditation regularly to feel connected to the power of your spirit with better inner vision, clarity of thoughts, clarity of your inner antennas and assistance in opening up your third eye Chakra with working with Archangel Zadkiel with positive intention and connection.
A powerful Crown Chakra Guided Meditation where you will journey on your spirit animal to your beautiful place of bliss where you will meet and make a connection with your Archangel Gabriel and open your Crown Chakra, in order to start feeling more connected to your spirit, your Archangel Gabriel, your higher self, your guides. Enjoy the guided journey into connecting with your higher self with this Crown Chakra Guided Meditation. Just over 22 minutes long in duration and recommended for a stronger connection to spirit world. This crown chakra guided meditation is designed to assist you in letting go of victimization, blame on others, going with the flow, lack of purpose and living reactively. Do this crown chakra guided meditation regularly to help let go of negative thoughts that do not serve your highest good and to create a clear channel so that you feel that you have more choices in life and can remember to ask your guides, archangels, Archangel Gabriel, teacher, masters and higher self for options. Do this crown chakra guided meditation regularly to feel connected to the power of your spirit and open up your Crown Chakra.
In the Root Chakra meditation, I felt a loving connection with archangel Uriel and a releasing of some negative energy. This was a wonderful meditation.
C. Morrison, AUS
In this Solar Plexus meditation, I was taken on the wings of a large eagle. This powerful yellow light was connected through my solar sun by this angelic spirit. I became one with all and left the heat of yellow in my body. The powerful positive words Tara spoke in this meditation penetrated my solar plexus with love and power. I had a deep feeling of being the warrior of my own destiny, through the divine courage and wisdom of the lion energy. After listening to this meditation, a great inner power resonated throughout my entire day.
Lesley Kennedy, AUS
Tara is an amazing Akashic Psychic so I knew her third eye meditation would be awesome. I am currently onto the third eye one and its helping me trust.
Shane Paterson
I have just completed a much needed throat meditation from Tara's collection. Wow, blissed and blessed.
Brenda Steele, AUS
When doing the third eye chakra meditation with Archangel Zadkiel I felt a strong presence from my animal guide of safety and comfort. I was lifted to the rainbow bridge of peace, hoy and absolute peace was felt. The purple colour then penetrated my body through the gentle touch of hands. I then saw a flooding of purple energy in my third eye appear as I deepened in this meditation. At the end I grounded to Mother Eartha nd my face became a white orchid. My roots deeply grounded in this now moment. Loved it.
Lesley Kennedy, AUS
The Crown Chakra meditation is bringing me closer to my Archangel every time.
Beryl White
Awesome meditation. I felt my crown chakra open and become clear and the loving protective energy of Archangel Gabriel and absolutely loved the amazing peacefulness I felt while performing the meditation.
C Morrison, AUS
I love it so much. Your voice is sooo soothing! Thank you.
Yen Andrews, AUS
The throat chakra meditation was incredibly powerful and the blue colour swirled deeply into my throat and I felt a shift and clearing instantly. The presence of this angel took my breath away for I had a feeling of divine love. I was bathed in this beautiful blue energy. A lovely connection from my hands and into my body. After doing this meditation, I felt deeply cleansed and healed in my throat chakra.
Lesley Kennedy, AUS
Tips and safety for meditation
Listen to the recordings laying down or slightly sitting up, its your choice. Never listen to a recording behind the wheel of a vehicle. Use headphones or ear plugs to listen to your recording, if you are listening to these recordings directly from a laptop this is ok too as long as you are not hearing impaired. Never listen to a meditation recording while walking, jogging or in control of a moving vehicle. These recordings have been made in a recording studio by Clinical Hypnotherapist, Meditation Teacher, Spiritual Guide and Akashic Records Psychic, Tara J Clarke.